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I've got it good! Great home, great family, a full belly. Who could ask for more??

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Having fun with Photofunia

I have been absent for a little bit but recently diagnosed with a heart defect. I or should I say MA has reached out to 3 cardiologists- U of Michigan, UCDavis and a local cardiologist. I am on 2 medications and hope to live out my years rather than go into Congestive Heart Failure. I have received lots of extra attention from the family.... yogurt with my meds in the morning and more chicken than usual are personal pluses for me. MA gives me a lot more hugs and I go over to MAs mom and dad's at least 3x a week for extra attention. Actually, as far as I am concerned life is really good. But, it sounds like I could still use your prayers. My next post will provide a little education on my condition. In the meantime, I thought I would post this photo for fun.


  1. Chloe, I will say a prayer for you.

    Love ya,


  2. Dear Chloe, I know this is not a good time for you and your Mom and Grandparents, I know you are going to have peaceful years ahead.

    Luv, Auntie Shirley

  3. Thanks for your love Joyce and Auntie Shirley. : )
